6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of January 10-14, 2022

ALL PRO DADS – Wednesday January 12 at 7:30 am in the Gym.   Breakfast provided.  Mr. Platner will have fun activities and conversation starters around the topic of JOY!  Please RSVP by tomorrow Monday on Parent Square invitation.

NO STUDENT DAY FRIDAY January 14 – This is a grading day for teachers.
NO SCHOOL MONDAY January 17 – Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

PICTURE RE-TAKES will be on Wednesday Jan 19, 2022 from 9:00 am to Noon.  Prepay code is 21EastMidvale.  Follow this link to view packages and order online.  Flyer is attached.  Bell Photo

CONGRATULATIONS to Ms. Rachel Teasley who was given the Utah Jazz MVE (Most Valuable Educator) Award for making a difference in the lives of her students!  Ms. Teasley has been a 2nd grade teacher at East Midvale since August of 2015, is respected and admired by her co-workers and beloved by her students.  The Utah Jazz ​Bear will be visiting East Midvale on Monday to present the award!

TEACHER OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS:  Are you amazed and impressed with your student’s teacher?  Please consider nominating them for the East Midvale Teacher of the Year.  Click HERE  to submit a nomination form.


  • Thursday January 27 – 5th grade science fair
  • Thursday January 27 from 6:00-7:00 pm – Community discussion on boundary changes that will affect East Midvale enrollment in the years to come.  Please join.  Options are posted online and in the information kiosks in front of the school.
  • Thursday February 3 – Living Traditions Family Night 5:30 to 7:00 pm.  Open House style.  Focus region this year is the Americas.  Grade levels have chosen Costa Rica, Peru, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil and USA.  We are creating a recipe book for our families called Breads of the Americas and we are asking parents to submit recipes for breads.  More information to come.