6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Jan. 25-29, 2021

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES coming soon!  February 24-25 from 4:00-8:00 pm.  Conferences will be scheduled through Parent Square with the teacher and done on the phone or virtually through a Google Meet.

The Soy de / I Am Project – Please check Thursday folders this week for permission forms for your child to participate in an upcoming project.  East Midvale has partnered with Salt Lake Community College to take photos of our students and create posters with self-chosen positive statements.

TEACHER OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS!  – It is time for you to celebrate great teaching this year by nominating your student’s teacher.  Follow this link to nominate your child’s teacher EME Teacher of the Year Nomination Form!  In Spanish Formulario de nominación para Maestro del Año

BIG SMILES DENTAL CLINIC  – last chance to get an application in for your student to attend the Jan. 28 dental clinic.  Applications available in front office, from Mrs. McCall or online at this link  My School Dentist

LIVING TRADITIONS week – Feb. 1-4, 2021.  Grade level displays and artwork focused on Iceland, Greenland, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Antarctica.  We are sad that this year there will be no family evening event, just pictures shared and posted on website.

SPELLING BEE – Scripp’s Spelling Bee for 3rd-5th grade classroom spelling bee winners will be on Wed. Feb 17.   School winners will advance to the regional competition.