6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Jan. 18-22, 2021

NO SCHOOL Monday January 18 – it is a holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Students at East Midvale will focus next week on the legacy of Dr. King’s work to bring freedom, peace, justice and equality to all.

TEACHER OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS!  – It is time for you to celebrate great teaching this year by nominating your student’s teacher.  Follow this link to nominate your child’s teacher EME Teacher of the Year Nomination Form!

BIG SMILES DENTAL CLINIC  – If your student has not seen a dentist in the last 6 months, there are spots available for the Jan. 28 clinic.  Students will be seen for preventative care – cleaning and cavity check.  If you need to fill out a form, please contact the front office or Mrs. McCall 801-826-8406.  You can also fill out online at this link  My School Dentist

LIVING TRADITIONS week – Feb. 1-4, 2021.  This year, East Midvale students will learn about countries at the poles of our world – Iceland, Greenland, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Antarctica.  Visit the website and parent square posts for pictures and video for parents to see the work done by each grade.

SPELLING BEE – Scripp’s Spelling Bee for 3rd-5th grade classroom spelling bee winners will be on Wed. Feb 17.   Word lists were sent home prior to winter recess.  If your student needs a copy to practice from, contact your student’s teacher or the front office.

GUIDE TO ONLINE SAFETY –  Resources for parents to learn about and promote online safety with their children.  See attachments in English and Spanish.