6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Jan. 11-15, 2021

SCC -School Community Council meets virtually on Wed. Jan. 13 at 5:15 pm.  We welcome new parents to the meeting.  Please contact Mr. Nelson, Principal, if interested in joining.

SPELLING BEE – Scripp’s Spelling Bee for 3rd-5th grade classroom spelling bee winners will be on Wed. Feb 17.   Word lists were sent home prior to winter recess.  If you need a copy, contact your student’s teacher or the front office.

BIG SMILES DENTAL CLINIC  – Forms were sent home in December and are also available at school.  The clinics will be January 14 and January 28, 2021.  Students will be seen for preventative care – cleaning and cavity check.  Please fill out form completely and return.  

TEACHER OF THE YEAR NOMINATION!  – It is time for you to celebrate great teaching this year by nominating your student’s teacher.  Look for a link to fill out a google form – coming soon!

FREE TICKETS to Thanksgiving Point venues – Butterfly Biosphere, Farm Country, Museum of Ancient Life or Museum of Natural Curiosity.  Through a generous donation, we have a limited supply of tickets to give to our families.  Please contact Mrs. McCall if you are interested.  One ticket per family member (Children under 2 do not need a ticket).

FREE INTERNET –   CSD and Comcast have partnered to provide free internet to Canyons families through Internet Essentials program.  Families need to apply using a promo code provided by the school.  Call the EME front office at 801-826-8350 upon return in January 2021.

RENT RELIEF:  Are you struggling to make rent?  Funds are available to help.  Goto this website for support: rentrelief.utah.gov

2nd Step Social Emotional Learning Tip of the Week

Kinder -1st -Showing Care and Concern – Notice students who show compassion for others.  Ex:  I noticed you helped Gloria clean up the markers she was using. Did you see her big smile? She was really glad you helped.

2nd grade- Accidents and Predicting Feelings – Notice when students handle accidents well. Ex: When he spilled his juice on your desk, you stopped to find out more before accusing him of doing it on purpose. Then he could apologize and help you clean it up. 

3rd gradeNotice when students use good conversation skills Ex: I noticed how you listened to what I was saying, then asked me a question about it to keep the conversation going.

4rth grade-Showing Compassion – Notice when students show compassion for others. Ex:  I noticed how you helped Yoshi with his writing assignment. That was a compassionate thing to do.

5th grade- Introduction to Mindfulness and/or Social Skills Review