6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of February 28-March 4, 2021

READ ACROSS AMERICA WEEK:   Our wonderful librarian Mrs. Erickson has shared tips to engage with your students on reading and books.  These tips will be shared each day this week on a Parent Square post –  RAAW Book Talking Point.   And posted tomorrow on our website!

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES are this week Wednesday and Thursday March 2-3, 2002.   If you haven’t yet signed up, please contact your child’s teacher.  Meetings are 15 minutes and you can meet either  in person or for a phone call.  Interpreters scheduled and available.

NO PRESCHOOL – Thursday March 3

EARLY RELEASE Thursday March 3 at 1:10 pm.

NO SCHOOL Friday March 4.

MOBILE FOOD PANTRY is Tuesday March 8, 2022.  If your child is getting a bag of food, please plan to pick  them up or meet them at the bus stop.

CAREER DAY in Tuesday MARCH 8:  We are still looking for volunteers to share job ideas with our students.  The volunteer commitment starts at 8:45 am and ends at 10:20 am! Sign up here: Career Day Sign Up

ALL PRO DADS   Wednesday March 9 at 7:30 am.  Please RSVP and join us for breakfast and focused discussion on building Confidence!

KIDS & COPS ART COMPETITION!  Students can submit a drawing, sketch, painting, computer graphic or photo (8.5”x11”) based on the following prompts:  Anti-violence*Cops in my community *Anti-drug use *anti-bullying *Anti-texting and driving.  Submit to East Midvale front office by Tues. March 9.  Officer Jonkman will collect.  1st prize is an Ipad!  1st-3rd prizes given.  Open to Elementary, Middle and High


  • March 14-18 is Spring Spirit Week
  • March 15 – Mobile Vision Clinic

CONNECT TO COLLECT:  Are you preparing your 2021 taxes?  Did you claim the EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit)  Connect to Collect (C2C) is a federal program focused on increasing low-income Utahans’ receipt of the EITC through education and linkage to high quality, free tax preparation.  Don’t miss out!  Click here https://bit.ly/EITCsurveyc2c. for the eligibility screener (available in English and Spanish) or call the hotline 385-465-5172 with questions.