6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Feb. 20-24, 2023

PTA SPIRIT NIGHT TUESDAY FEB. 21 at Chick Fil-A Midvale from 5:00-8:00 pm!  Enjoy a dinner out and support East Midvale at the same time!  Look for some familiar staff faces while there!  Proceeds from spirit nights this school year helped the PTA purchase the cool fence art Eagle by the bus lanes!   Thank you EME PTA!!

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES are Wednesday March 1 and Thursday  March 2! Teachers are sending sign ups through Parent Square.  Please use those to sign up for a 15 minute conference either in person or on the phone.  Each teacher will be able to give a new Scholastic Book to each attendee due to a generous donation of new books from the Assistance League of Salt Lake.


  • READ ACROSS AMERICA WEEK – February 27-March 2

    • Love to Read Spirit Week Activities

    • Special Author visit for 4th and 5th graders

    • Pastries with Parents/ “book tasting” on Wed. March 1 at 7:30 am

    • Read Across America Day with UWSL volunteers

    • Thursday March 2 – UWSL Read Across America Day, SOTM assembly and Early Dismissal 1:10 pm

NO SCHOOL FRIDAY MARCH 3 – Teacher compensatory day.

AT HOME LEARNING DAY MARCH 6!  Please make note on your calendars.  This day was set aside by the Canyons Board of Education for teachers as a work day. Packets will be sent home at Parent Teacher Conferences. Teacher office hours will be available online from 10-12 pm March 6. 

5TH GRADE MATURATION PROGRAMS in March.  Follow this link for dates and locations CSD Maturation Program

KINDERGARTEN for 2023-24 REGISTRATION is open now.  Look for a Parent Square communication with a digital form to fill out or fill out a paper copy in the front office.   PRESCHOOL APPLICATIONS are also being taken now.

VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION – It is field trip season at East Midvale.  If you would like to volunteer on a grade level field trip please make sure to register as a volunteer at 48 hours before the event.  REGISTER TO VOLUNTEER

TAX PREPARATION for free:  Free tax help and preparation through VITA available by appointment at Tyler Library on Wednesdays from 5:30-8:30 pm.  Link to schedule tax prep appointment