6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Feb. 19-23, 2024

Last week was busy at East Midvale.  The week started with our Masked Singer assembly which the students earned by getting over 500,000 Dojo points for positive behaviors.  All Pro Dads met middle of the week and problem solved how to build the tallest marshmallow towers.  The week ended with our schoolwide Scripp’s spelling bee.  

NO SCHOOL tomorrow Monday February 19 for President’s Day Holiday. 

CONGRATULATIONS to our SCRIPPS SPELLING BEE CHAMPION SIMON A. & 2nd runner up DAMIEN M.E.!  These two  students will represent East Midvale in the regional spelling bee on March 23 at Wasatch Junior High.   Thank you to the East Midvale PTA for sponsoring this event.

PARENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  Volunteers are still needed to help with Parents and Pastries on Wed Feb. 28 and the Book Fair Feb 28-29.  February Volunteering

FEB 28-29 PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES ARE COMING!  – Teachers are excited to meet with parents and talk about each of their student’s growth and goals moving into the spring.  Please schedule a 15 minute appointment on Parent Square.  Call the front office or reply to this post if you would like assistance scheduling.  All those attending conferences will receive a drawing ticket and can choose which prize to put a chance on!  


  • Feb. 28-29 – Scholastic Book Fair hosted by PTA
  • Feb. 28 – Parents and Pastries 7:40 am – hosted by PTA
  • Fri. March 1 – No school
  • Tues. March 5 – Utah Food Bank free groceries
  • Tues. March 19 – Utah Partners for Health Mobile Vision and Medical Clinics
  • Mon. March 25 – No school for students
  • April 1-5 is Spring Break – no school.

STUDENT HEALTH TIP of the WEEK from Nurse Amy:  Family mealtime is an important part of a child’s day that has many benefits including:  Better academic performance, higher self-esteem, greater sense of resilience, lower risk of substance abuse, lower risk of depression, lower rates of obesity, and even a bigger vocabulary in preschoolers! Make it a goal to have at least one family meal each day!

PRESCHOOL APPLICATIONS for 24-25 at EAST MIDVALE ELEMENTARY AVAILABLE MARCH 1– Families can apply for East Midvale’s Title I preschool for the 2024-2025 school year if their child will be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024 and family lives within our school boundaries.  Parents provide transportation for preschool students in both morning and afternoon sessions.   Application is available online or at the East Midvale Front Office Title I Preschool Application.  Questions can be directed to Ms. Jeanene Moore, our preschool teacher at jeanene.moore@canyonsdistrict.org

FREE WIFI INTERNET – Canyons District continues to provide free internet for families through Comcast Internet Essentials.  To enroll, reply to this post or call Mrs. McCall at East Midvale at 801 826 8406.  Ask for a Comcast Code.  Then call Comcast at 1-844-963 0178 with the code.