6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Feb. 15-19, 2021

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!  At East Midvale, we love our students and our families!  

NO SCHOOL Monday Feb. 15 for Presidents Day.

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES are February 24-25 from 4:00-8:00 pm.  Teachers are scheduling now using Parent Square.  Conferences will be either by phone or virtually through a Google Meet.  

FREE INTERNET still available- Call the EME front office at 801-826-8350 if interested.  We will provide instructions and a promo code for Comcast’s Internet Essentials.


  • Do you have a child who will be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2021?
  • Contact the front office to register them for Kindergarten! 

PRESCHOOL (either Morning or Afternoon) is an option if:  

READ ACROSS AMERICA WEEK March 1-4, 2021 – Celebrate reading and all the characters you meet and places you go!  

  • Mon March 1 Wear yellow SOAR t-shirt 
  • Tues. March 2 – Mismatch Day!
  • Wed. March 3 – Hat Day!
  • Thurs March 4 – Pajama Day!
  • Fri March 5 – PTA Pastries with Parents!
    • 8:30-10:30 am.  
    • Drive through with your students.  
    • Donuts will be distributed.

CANYONS FAMILY CENTER classes!  Classes for students on anger management and anxiety management and classes for parents on positive parenting, helping children through a divorce and ADHD.  Visit this website to see classes, times and to sign up Canyons Family Center Classes

2nd Step Social Emotional Learning Tip of the Week

Kinder-1st and grades 4-5th

Continue to work with your children to hone self-management skills by managing their emotions.  Remind students to 1) Stop 2) Name their feelings and 3) Calm Down.

Calm Down Strategy:  Using positive self –talk.  What we say to ourselves can change the way we feel. If we say positive or good things to ourselves, we are likely to feel better. 

  • “I can do it”
  • “I can try again”
  • “If I don’t understand, I can ask for help”

Reinforce this at home by noticing when your student calms down and asking what positive self talk they used to calm down.

Parent Script: “Jordana, I saw you looking frustrated as you wrote your numbers but then you calmed down. What did you say to yourself to calm down?”

Special 2nd step lesson for 2nd-3rd graders this week on how they have power

  • to stand up to bullying
  • to support others by showing acceptance
  • to help others feel included. 

You can implement this at home by noticing when students are inclusive of others. 

Parent Script:  “Tad, I noticed you invited Zaida to join your group when you saw she was left out. That was a kind and respectful thing to do.”