6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Feb. 1-5, 2021

STUDENT OF THE MONTH for Acceptance will be announced in classrooms on Monday. 
Congratulations Mrs. Twitchell – 2nd grade teacher and Mrs. Erickson – Library Brain Booster teacher – our Teacher and ESP of the month for Acceptance!

SOAR focus for February is R=RESILIENCE!  

MOBILE FOOD PANTRY on Tues. Feb. 2 at 2:45 pm.  Please plan to either pick up your student or meet them at the bus stop to help carry food and laundry detergent.

LIVING TRADITIONS week – Feb. 1-4, 2021.  Grade level displays and artwork focused on Iceland, Greenland, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Antarctica.  Unfortunately this year there will be no family evening event.  Please check this blog post each day next week for pictures of projects, art and displays on each country.

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES coming soon!  February 24-25 from 4:00-8:00 pm.  Conferences will be scheduled through Parent Square with the teacher and done on the phone or virtually through a Google Meet.  No school on Feb. 26.

The Soy de / I Am Project – Please check Thursday folders for permission forms for your child to participate in an upcoming project.  East Midvale has partnered with Salt Lake Community College to take photos of our students and create posters with self-chosen positive statements.

TEACHER OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS!  – This is the last chance to nominate your student’s teacher for Teacher of the year.  Follow this link to do so. 
EME Teacher of the Year Nomination Form
In Spanish Formulario de nominación para Maestro del Año

PARENT MEETINGS upcoming – SCC meets virtually on Wed. Feb. 10 at 5:15 pm.  PTA meets virtually at noon on Fri. Feb. 12.

FEBRUARY 2021 Calendar

2nd Step Social Emotional Learning Tip of the Week Feb. 1-5, 2021

East Midvale’s PBIS acronym SOAR includes S-Self Management.  Students throughout their school day are rewarded with Dojo Points to acknowledge the use of self-management in many situations.  Part of the skill sets of self-managing behavior includes managing emotions and feelings which often vary in intensity.  

2nd Step Social Emotional Learning Tip of the Week is to use the “Calm Down Steps” to manage those emotions.  The sooner a child is aware of building emotions in their bodies, the better they will be able to use the calm down steps successfully:

1.            Use the stop signal. 

2.            Name the emotion.

3.            Using strategies such as deep breathes, counting and positive self talk.

Parent Script Tip:
Notice and describe your child’s behavior to them.  For example, parent says, “I notice you sighing and crumpling up your paper.”

Then connect the behavior to the feeling.  For example, parent says, “Sometimes sighing and crumbling your paper means you are feeling frustrated.  Does that sound right?”

Then remind students to use Calming-Down Steps as they experience these strong feelings.