6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of December 9-13, 2024

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION update:  Thank you for helping us reach and exceed our November goal earning $224.80! We’re excited to support our arts education with these funds!  For December, our goal is to reach $230! And with bonus box tops available for purchasing Pillsbury and Annie’s brand products, we can get there!  If you haven’t had a chance to download the Box Tops for Education app yet, head over to the Google Play or Apple app stores and check it out. 

WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11 ALL PRO DADS:  Fathers and father figures are invited to bring their students to a breakfast gathering at 7:45 am.  Mr. Wilhite will show a fun video from Cars and have discussion questions and an activity about Humility.   RSVP requested on Parent Square post.

THANK YOU to the THE MADELINE CHOIR SCHOOL who will be visiting on December 13,  bringing a choir and singing Christmas carols in the halls for students and staff to enjoy!  

PARENT HOLIDAY PROGRAM is on Thursday December 19 starting at 8:30 am and we invite families to enjoy some holiday cheer!  

  • Each grade will sing 2 songs and then exit the gym. 

  • Our program starts with 5th grade, then 4th, 3rd, Kinder, 1st and then 2nd grade.  

  • Families can enter through front doors and exit through the gym north door.  

  • If you need to leave early, please plan your entry or exit during grade level changes. 

PAJAMA DAY and STUDENT OF THE MONTH ASSEMBLY will be on Friday December 20 – the last day before winter recess.  Students can wear pajamas and SOAR t-shirts if they choose!  If you are volunteering to help at classroom parties, please make sure to fill out a volunteer registration online this weekend.

SPELLING BEE WORDS!  – The holiday break is a great time for your students to practice spelling words for the competitions in February!  Students in grades 3-5th will compete and our 2 school winners go to the Regionals in March.  Thank you to our PTA for sponsorship again this year.   The word list will be sent home with students before winter recess.

WINTER RECESS is Dec. 23 through Jan. 3, 2025.  There will be no school during those dates.  We welcome students back to school on Monday January 6, 2025 at 8:10 am.

Free WIFI and INTERNET – Canyons District continues to provide free internet for families through Comcast Internet Essentials.  To enroll, reply to this post or call Mrs. McCall at East Midvale at 801 826 8406.  Ask for a Comcast Code.  Then call Comcast at 1-844-963 0178 with the code.