6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of December 13-17, 2021

FOOD BAGS — If your family needs a bag of food for the winter recess, please come by the front office this week.  Supplies are limited.  Thank you to the Camel’s Hump for this resource!

ALL PRO DADS meeting on Wednesday December 15 at 7:30 am.  Topic is JOY.  Breakfast provided. Event is for fathers, father figures and their EME students.  Please RSVP on the Parent Square post by Monday.

THURSDAY DECEMBER 16 – Vivint Gives Back delivery.  If possible, please pick up your child that day from school at normal dismissal time which is 2:45 pm.

FRIDAY DECEMBER 17 – Holiday parties in the classroom.  Santa comes to visit.  Holiday Sing-a-long video released for all to watch!

WINTER BREAK:  Enjoy this time with your family and friends.  Dec. 20-Dec. 31 – Winter Recess.  No school.

THANK YOUS to the following for supporting our community this holiday season:  VIvint Gives Back, United Way of Salt Lake’s Women’s United, Five12, Camel’s Hump, Wadsworth, Parley’s Park Elementary School 5th grade classes, Madeline Choir School, TOSH, Butler Elementary PTA, Draper Park Middle School.