6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Dec. 7-11, 2020

Congratulations to November Students of the Month for showing Ownership!  Congratulations to Teacher of the month Mr. Rob Carter in first grade and Staff of the month Mr. Corey Lee, School Psychologist Intern!  Focus in December for SOAR is Acceptance.  Holiday SOAR store will happen during the next 2 weeks at EME.


  • Mobile Food Pantry 11:00 am Mon. Dec 7 at Mountain View Christan Assembly Church, 300 East 8000 South, Sandy.
  • Free Groceries and clothing resource on Sat. Dec. 19 at K2 church from 12:00-1:00 pm while supplies last.  5049 Murray Blvd. Murray

FREE INTERNET –   CSD and Comcast have partnered to provide free internet to Canyons families through Internet Essentials program.  Families need to apply using a promo code provided by the school.  Application deadline is Dec. 30, 2020.  Call the EME front office at 801-826-8350 if interested.

Scripps Spelling Bee:  PTA is hosting this event at EME again this year.  Classroom spelling bees will be done in early February and winners will compete in school-wide spelling bee on Wed. Feb 17.  Winners will go on to regionals and possibly on to the National Spelling bee in Washington DC.  Look for Scripps Word lists in Thursday folders prior to winter recess. 

Thank you to Thanksgiving Heroes, Go Aptive Environmental, Teachers for Hope, Utah Food Bank, Frank Cordova Foundation, Zions Bancorp and Five12 for food resources provided to our families this holiday season!  Thank you to Vivint Gives Back, United Way of Salt Lake, Women’s United, Thanksgiving Point, TOSH, Rizepoint and many individual donors for donations to our school this holiday season!