6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of August 28-September 1, 2023

SCHOOL YEAR IS OFF TO A GREAT START!  Students have already established routines for building community in classrooms and are learning!  It was wonderful to see all our families attending all the Back to School events.  Follow us on Instagram @eastmidvale to see fun pictures from the week.  Ms. Pua is also spotlighting a faculty/staff person every Wednesday.  See who she kicked off  the spotlights with! PTA BACK TO SCHOOL CARNIVAL THIS WEEK!  Wednesday August 30 from 5:00-8:00 pm on the south side of the school.  Part of the proceeds from the sales of ride wristbands and food go to the East Midvale PTA to support classrooms, teachers and students.
  • Unlimited ride only wristbands $10.00
  • Rides and games wristbands $12.00
  • Or tickets 4/$1.00
  • Credit cards and Apple Pay accepted.
BREAKFAST and LUNCH AT SCHOOL is NO COST for our students.
  • School menus are available through Nutrislice app –  Click here for menus.  You can set preferred language on the top right corner of page.
  • Parents do not need to put any money on lunch accounts for those attending East Midvale Elementary.  If you did, follow this link to ask for a reimbursement of funds School Lunch Reimburse.
  • Please make sure to fill out the Free and Reduced Application on your Skyward Registration.  This helps us understand the need in our community and continue to receive funding for Title I programs.
FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Tuesday August 29 at 2:30 pm.   Parents can pick up a bag of fresh produce while supplies last.  Thank you Rancho Markets and community funders for this resource.    University of Utah’s Center for Nutrition will be doing the Veggie Meter if you are interested! FREE WIFI INTERNET – Canyons District continues to provide free internet for families through Comcast Internet Essentials.  To enroll, reply to this post or call Mrs. McCall at East Midvale at 801 826 8406.  Ask for a Comcast Code.  Then call Comcast at 1-844-963 0178 with the code. FAMILY LEARNING CENTER:  English classes for parents start Monday Aug. 28.  Classes are Monday through Thursday 8:30 am to 10:00 am.  Newcomers are welcomed!  Call Kenia Bush at 801-865-5591 with questions. BELL SCHEDULE 
  • Mon-Thursday schedule – Students enter the building at 8:10 am at the first bell.  Classroom routine begins at 8:15 am with breakfast.  School is dismissed at 2:50 pm.
  • Friday schedule – Students enter the building at 8:10 am at the first bell.  Classroom routine begins at 8:15 am with breakfast.  Early dismissal is at 1:10 pm.
SAFE PICK UP AND DROP OFF: ​ ​ Our goal is to keep every student and every parent safe during pick up and drop off when there is lots of activity.  Please set the example as adults by using the crosswalks and being patient.  The drop off and pick up lane closest to the curb is only to quickly drop off or pick up a student. If you or your student need more time to transition to and from school, please park in the parking lot and cross at the crosswalk flags with them.  Thank you. SAVE THE DATE:
  • Sept. 4 – Labor Day.  No school
  • Sept. 5 – Mobile Food Pantry at EME – any students and EME staff can receive a free bag of groceries through Utah Food Bank.

Kindergarten & Preschool Parents attended Math Matters and Showing Up Matters Events this week!

Thank you to the Utah Stem Action Center and Emmett Speed for sharing a game called Happy Bunny with our families.  It is a collaborative math game where young students learn counting and sorting in a fun way!  Thank you to Mortenson Construction volunteers for participating in this UWSL Day of Caring event.