6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of August 22-26, 2022

BREAKFAST and LUNCH AT SCHOOL is NO COST for our students.  Parents do not need to put any money on lunch accounts for those attending East Midvale Elementary.  If you have deposited payments or set up auto pay for a student at East Midvale, please go into Family Skyward and turn it off so you can be refunded.   Click here for menus.

TUESDAY PRODUCE MARKET – from 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm.   Fresh produce at no cost to our school families.  Bring a reusable bag.  Thank you Zions Bank and Food for All.

ALL PRO DADS is back!  Watch this quick video by Mr. Platner about our program All Pro Dads!  Breakfast meetings will be on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am starting September 14.  Look for the Parent Square invitation and RSVP.

FAMILY LEARNING CENTER:  English classes begin Monday August 22.  Classes are Monday through Thursday 8:30 am to 10:00 am.  You are welcome to come and Kenia Bush, our director, will get you set up.  You can call Kenia at 801-865-5591 with questions.

SCC (SCHOOL COMMUNITY COUNCIL) – Would you like to work with this group of administrators, teachers and parents to decide school priorities on where to best spend funds received by the school?  Meetings are monthly starting in September.  Contact Principal Nelson or respond to this post.

WATERFORD UPSTART for 4 year olds! Registration is open and is filling fast.  It closes at the end of August.  Click here to register!  Or contact Ms. McCall for help.


  • Sept. 5 – No School – Labor Day!
  • Sept. 6 – Mobile Food Pantry and Fresh Produce Market
  • Sept. 14 – All Pro Dads breakfast meeting 7:30 am