6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 2021

SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS with translation option can be found by following this link – CSD Lunch menu link

PARENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED.  Please contact Ms. McCall if you are interested.

  • To volunteer in Dojo Store every other week – Mon/Tues/Wed starting the week of Aug. 30.
  • To help with childcare during Family Learning Center classes Mon-Thurs. 10-Noon.

JOBS AVAILABLE at East Midvale Elementary and Canyons District.  Follow this link:  https://jobs.canyonsdistrict.org/human-resources/index.cfm#!/jobs/31

NO SCHOOL – Monday September 6 for Labor Day Holiday.

BEFORE and AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM starts Tuesday Sept. 7, 2021.  Applications available in the front office.

MOBILE FOOD PANTRY –  Tuesday Sept. 7 at 2:45 pm.  If you would like your student to receive a bag of food (one bag per family) and you have not yet signed up, please contact the front office 801 826 8350 to add your student to the list.

FREE WIFI through Canyons District and Comcast’s Internet Essentials.  If you were signed up last year, the contract will remain in place through June 15, 2022.  If your home is eligible for Comcast service and you need WiFi internet, please fill out the attached sign up form and you will be contacted.   CSD Free WiFi information  East Midvale still has Chromebooks available for families to keep.

September 2021 EME Calendar