6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of April 26-30, 2021

SPRING PICTURE DAY is  Monday April 26Return Lifetouch Form with payment on Monday or order online at mylifetouch.com using Picture Day ID:  EVTZGF3T6.

SOY de WALL – Thank you Salt Lake Community College’s Photographing Diversity class for partnering with EME on this project and to Busath Photography for donating printing.

AT HOME LEARNING DAYS:  Friday April 30 and May 7, 14, 21.

MOBILE FOOD PANTRY is on Tuesday May 4.  If your student is new to EME and you would like a food bag, please contact the front office to put your child on the list.

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK is May 3-7!  Look for PTA’s flyers on how you can appreciate your student’s teacher.


  • THE SANDY CLUB SUMMER PROGRAM – This is a 9 week program for children aged 6-12.  Dates are June 7-Aug 5, 2021.  Runs Mon-Thurs. 11 am to 4 pm.  $30 one time enrollment fee per child.   Lunch & afternoon snack provided.  Registration begins April 26.  Visit thesandyclub.org or call 801-561-4851.
  • MIDVALE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB:  Registration for summer for current club members is this week April 26-30.  Registration for new participants will start May 3rd until capacity is reached.

GET YOUR COVID-19 VACCINE – If you are 16 years and older, you can make an appointment to get a vaccine.  Use these websites to make appointment:  Remember you can ride UTA for free with an appointment confirmation or call UWSL at 211 or 801-978-3333 to schedule a Lyft ride up to 7 days in advance.