6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update October 29-November 3, 2023

HALLOWEEN PARADE RECAP – What a fun Friday it was!  Thank you parents for showing up to support our students.  The halls were filled with all sorts of princesses, characters, goblins and ghouls parading and cheering!  See pictures below!  Thank you to all those supporters who donated costumes so that every student who wanted a costume had one to wear!       
Tues. Oct. 31 will be a full day of learning.   No costumes on that day.  

SOTM ASSEMBLY  Our Students of the Month for Ownership is Monday!  Students are encouraged to wear their SOAR t-shirts!  Reflections Contest winners will also be announced at the assembly.  Winners will move on to the regional level of competition.

THANKSGIVING MEALS – There is an opportunity to receive a box of uncooked items to make a Thanksgiving meal – a frozen turkey, potatoes, vegetable, etc.  Delivery on Saturday November 18.  If you have the facilities to prepare the meal, will be at the address provided on the delivery date and would like to request the meal, please fill out an application in front office or online.  Application deadline is November 10.  

BIG SMILES DENTAL CLINIC – The dentist is coming to East Midvale on November 6 and 7.  If you would like your child to receive a dental exam, cleaning and restorative care if needed, please return dental form or  sign up online using this link:  www.MySchoolDentist.com.  For the form to be accepted it needs to be completely filled out with your insurance information, CHIP or Medicaid number or noted if you request grant funded care.  

PTA UPDATE:  East Midvale now has an executive board for the PTA (Parent Teacher Association).  Maryann Whiting is treasurer and Betty Shaw is President.  There will be a meeting on Friday November 3 to discuss business and decide which school events and activities the PTA can and would like to support both financially and logistically.  If you haven’t yet joined PTA and would like to, here is the online link JOIN EME PTA .  Membership dues are $5.00.

FREE WIFI INTERNET – Canyons District continues to provide free internet for families through Comcast Internet Essentials.  To enroll, reply to this post or call Mrs. McCall at East Midvale at 801 826 8406.  Ask for a Comcast Code.  Then call Comcast at 1-844-963 0178 with the code.