6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update May-June 2022

HAPPY SUMMER!  Wishing all our students and families a good summer!  See the attached calendar for fun ideas.  Reading is the best activity your student can participate in to continue learning this summer.  Visit the Ruth Vine Library to check out books, attend kids cafe, arts and crafts and indoor activities.  Registration for the new school year will be the first week in August.  

The STATE OF OUR EME LIBRARY –Our school librarian Mrs. Erickson would like to share these amazing statistics with our community.  

  • 14, 503 books were checked in and out of the library this past year
  • 80 books were read aloud by Mrs. Erickson and Mrs. Sherratt this past year
  • 13,096 books fill our library
  • 321 new titles were added this year.
  • 84 books were lost (not returned) this past school year

OUR LAST MAY FARMERS MARKET Tuesday May 31.  Fresh produce for families to choose from at no cost.  Provided through a partnership with Get Healthy Utah, Kuwahara Farms and Cooking with Audrey.  2:30-3:00 pm.  Supplies limited.  Bring a reusable bag.   Sign up using this link:  EME Farmer’s Market Sign Up  We will continue this farmer’s market through the summer on Tuesdays at a new time.  Look for information upcoming.  

SUMMER MEALS AT EAST MIDVALE:  East Midvale will be a site for the summer meal program for children 18 years and younger.  Breakfast and lunch served at no charge Monday through Friday.  Meals must be eaten on site in the cafeteria.  

Begins:  Wednesday June 1
Ends: Friday July 29
Closed on July 4 and July 25. 
Breakfast: 8:15 to 9:15 am
Lunch: 11:30-12:30 pm