6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Last Week of School May 23-27, 2022

AWARDS:  Monday May 23.  Grades 3-5th will begin at 8:45 am.  Soaring Eagles will be given out as well as recognitions for fitness, student council, safety patrol, flag crew and Playworks Junior Coaching.  1st and 2nd grade awards ceremony will follow – approximately 10:30 am.

PRESCHOOL:  Mon. May 23 – Preschool Water Party.  Tues. May 24 -Preschool graduation in library

FIELD DAY!  Tuesday May 24.   Please send your student to school with appropriate shoes and clothing for warm weather play outside, sunscreen and a hat.  A “swim” towel would be great as well.

FARMERS MARKET Tuesday May 24.  Fresh produce for families to choose from at no cost.  Provided through a partnership with Get Healthy Utah and Kuwahara Farms.  2:30-3:00 pm.  Supplies limited.  Bring a reusable bag.   Sign up using this link:  EME Farmer’s Market Sign Up

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL IS MAY 26. Activities include 5th grade v. faculty softball game and  all school dance party.  Early Dismissal at 12:10 pm – NO LUNCH SERVED

THANK YOU Hillcrest High’s boys soccer program for hosting a clinic at East Midvale Elementary.  Forty students attended and had a great time while learning soccer skills!

ART SHOW video!  Ms. Stauffer put together a video of many of the art projects done by our students this past year.  Please enjoy watching!  EME Virtual Art Show

LOST AND FOUND – Lost items have been set out in the hall and are looking to be found.  Please stop by and find something.  All items left will be donated on May 26.

SUMMER MEALS AT EAST MIDVALE:  East Midvale will be a site for the summer meal program for children 18 years and younger.  Breakfast and lunch served at no charge Monday through Friday.  Meals must be eaten on site in the cafeteria.

  • Begins:  Wednesday June 1 and ends: Friday July 29
  • Closed on July 4 and July 25.
  • Breakfast: 8:15 to 9:15 am
  • Lunch: 11:30-12:30 pm