6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent update for winter recess 2020

Holiday message from Principal Nelson

 I have immense gratitude for the generosity and care that our community has shown each other.  My heart is warmed by the selfless actions and giving that I have witnessed as we have leaned on each other to endure the trials of 2020.  This year the Winter Solstice is on December 21st.  The Solstice marks the return of sunlight.  Every day after the solstice we get a little more sunshine in our day than the previous day.  It’s my sincere wish that the coming new year radiates sunshine, healing, laughter, and love to you and your family.    Sincerely,  Mr. Nelson

WINTER RECESS:  The school building is closed Dec. 21-Jan. 1 and all staff are on winter recess.  School is back in session Monday January 4, 2021. At 8:17 am.  See you then!

Thank you to Vivint Gives Back, United Way of Salt Lake, Women’s United, Thanksgiving Point, TOSH, Rizepoint, Wadsworth Development, families at Butler Elementary, Mrs. Crandall’s 5th graders in PCSD, Madeline Choir School and many individual donors for donations to our students and families this holiday season!

Resources to contact over the winter recess:

MOBILE FOOD PANTRY at EME on Tuesday January 5 at 2:45 pm.

FREE INTERNET –   CSD and Comcast have partnered to provide free internet to Canyons families through Internet Essentials program.  Families need to apply using a promo code provided by the school.  Call the EME front office at 801-826-8350 upon return in January 2021.

January 2020 Calendar

CONGRATULATIONS to Araceli Rivera – Winner of the Canyons District Apex Award for Volunteer of the Year!  Thank you Araceli for giving so much of her time, talent and energy to our school community!  Video – Araceli Rivera

Thank you!