6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update for Week of September 14-18, 2020

  • Daily Symptom Checker.  Each morning, please do a symptom check on your child (cough? fever of 100.4 or higher? shortness of breath? muscle or body aches? sore throat? decreased sense of taste or smell?) and do not send to school if any symptom is present.  Now more than ever it is incumbent upon our community to be vigilant so we can stay healthy, stay in school and maintain in person learning.
  • Free COVID testing by Utah Partners for Health.  Tuesdays from 8:30 -12:30 pm at Copperview Recreation Center 8446 S. Harrison Avenue, Sandy.
  • Fall Picture Day is Monday Sept. 21.  Look for order forms in Thursday folders and return with your student.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences are being held Wed. and Thurs. September 23 or 24.  The online scheduler will be available next week to schedule a time.  Look for communication from your student’s teacher..  Meetings will be held over the telephone and materials will be sent home with your student.  Teachers are looking forward to talking with you about your child.  
  • Early Out 1:15 on Thursday Sept. 24 and No school on Friday Sept. 25.  
  • The Scholastic Book Fair will be held Sept. 23 through Oct. 6 and will be online this year!  Look for book catalogs in Thursday folders and codes to purchase.   Online Book Fair flyer
  • The PTA fundraiser is also a FUN-raiser!  Look for Eddie the Eagle in Thursday folder!  Join in by taking Eddie for a walk or run, snap a picture with Eddie and East Midvale will post it.  PTA hopes to raise $5 per student donation if possible.
  • After School Program.  The After School Program will not begin until we can safely extend the school day.  This likely will not happen before the end of 2020.  We will communicate any changes to this District decision as they are made.