6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update for Week of Oct. 12-16, 2020

Parents and Guardians – Here is the update for the coming week Oct. 12-16, 2020.

Parent Square is now being used for school and teacher communications with parents.  Parent Square takes the place of other previously used programs like Remind.   All updates are also posted here on the East Midvale Elementary website.

SCC Meeting This Week!  The School Community Council (SCC) meets virtually at 5:15 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month – October 13 this month.  Our Principal Mr. Nelson collaborates with parents and teachers to decide how to best support our school using land trust funds.  Please consider adding your voice to the conversation.  The Google Meet code is EMESCC.

Fall break is this week.  No School in person or online Thursday and Friday October 15 and 16.  

Reflections projects are due on Monday Oct. 19.  The 2020 theme is “I matter because”.  Entry forms are available in the front office or from your student’s teacher.  Reflections Submission Form East Midvale Elementary.V2

Red Ribbon Week sponsored by PTA is  Oct 19-22.  Unite with our school and community against drugs and bullying:

  • Monday – Rally in Red against drugs – WEAR RED
  • Tuesday – Use your head – don’t do drugs – CRAZY HAIR DAY
  • Wednesday – Unity Day – Wednesday Oct. 21st!  EME is joining schools around the country in celebrating kindness and friendship by standing up against bullying.  Please have your student WEAR their yellow SOAR t-shirt to show school unity and CRAZY SOCKS to “sock it” to drugs and bullying..  All 2nd step lessons this month are focused on recognizing and stopping bullying.
  • Thursday – Follow your dreams – don’t do drugs.  WEAR PAJAMAS!

Eagles S.O.A.R. – S.O.A.R. is a positive behavior program.  Students earn Class Dojo points by demonstrating these skills.  Students can spend those earned Class Dojo points in the SOAR store.

  • S = Self Management
  • O = Ownership
  • A = Acceptance  *please note correction*
  • R = Resilience

SOAR Store!

2nd Step - Social Emotional Learning Tips of the Week: 

Kinder – 1st grade – Recognizing Bullying is the first step in getting it to stop.   These are clues that help you recognize bullying:

  1.  It happens on purpose.
  2.  It keeps happening.
  3.  It’s unfair and one-sided. 
  4. You haven’t been able to make it stop.

2nd-5th grades – Reporting Bullying –  Caring adults can help keep children safe from bullying. When children practice reporting details about their day, they use the same skills needed to report bullying.