6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update for Week of Dec. 14-17, 2020

Congratulations goes to our 5th graders on their DARE graduation on Wednesday!  Thank you Officer Jonkman for your commitment to the health and safety of and connection with our community!

VIVINT GIVES BACK – Thursday December 17.

  • In person students – gifts will be given during school day.  If possible, please plan to pick up your child from school.
  • Online students need to come to school to pick up gift bags on Dec. 17 or Dec. 18.  Please look for additional class communication on specific pick up time.


  • Holiday Food Bags available – Please contact front office if you need a bag of food.  Pick up on Wed Dec. 16 or Thurs. Dec. 17 at the school front office.
  • Free Groceries and clothing resource on Sat. Dec. 19 at K2 church from 12:00-1:00 pm while supplies last.  5049 Murray Blvd. Murray

FREE INTERNET –   CSD and Comcast have partnered to provide free internet to Canyons families through Internet Essentials program.  Families need to apply using a promo code provided by the school.  Call the EME front office at 801-826-8350 by Wednesday Dec. 16 to sign up..

Scripps Spelling Bee:  PTA is hosting this event at EME again this year.  Classroom spelling bees will be done in early February and winners will compete in school-wide spelling bee on Wed. Feb 17.  Winners will go on to regionals and possibly on to the National Spelling bee in Washington DC.  Look for Scripps Word lists in Thursday folders prior to winter recess. 

Winter recess is December 21-January 1, 2021.  School is back in session Monday January 4, 2021.  We hope you have a safe and peaceful winter recess.

Thank you to Vivint Gives Back, United Way of Salt Lake, Women’s United, Thanksgiving Point, TOSH, Rizepoint, Mrs. Crandall’s 5th graders in Park City Schools, Madeline Choir School and many individual donors for donations to our students and families this holiday season!

Great ideas for the winter recess from this Healthy Living Newsletter from Salt Lake County SLCO December Newsletter

Upcoming Flu clinics in our community  December Community Flu Clinics