6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update First Week of School Aug. 15-19, 2022

RED CARPET – Tomorrow is the first day of school for Grades 1-5th.  Parents please join us as we welcome all our students on the Red Carpet.  This event will be held on west side of school starting at approximately 8:15 am.  RED CARPET FIRST DAY  for Kinder and Preschool is Thursday August 18th which is their first day of school.

BELL SCHEDULE is Monday through Thursday, students enter the building at 8:10 am at the first bell.  Classroom routine begins at 8:15 am with breakfast.  School is dismissed at 2:50 pm.  Friday schedule – Students enter the building at 8:10 am at the first bell.  Classroom routine begins at 8:15 am with breakfast.  Early dismissal is at 1:10 pm.

BREAKFAST and LUNCH AT SCHOOL is NO COST for our East Midvale students.  Parents do not need to put any money on lunch accounts for those attending East Midvale Elementary.  Click here for menus.  You can set preferred language in top right corner of page.

TUESDAY PRODUCE MARKET – from 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm.   Fresh produce at no cost to our school families.  Bring a reusable bag.  Thank you Zions Bank and Food for All.

BACK TO SCHOOL CARNIVAL – Friday August 19th from 5:00-8:00 pm.  There is a charge for wristbands for rides and food.  Portion of the proceeds go to the PTA at East Midvale.


Waterford Upstart Early Education Program:  Do you have a 4 year old?  Get them ready for school by participating in this amazing free program.  Apply as soon as possible.  Lessons begin September 6 and are online.  Computer provided if needed.  Click here to register!