6990 South 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Connect with Utah 211

211 is available 24 hours, 7 days a week

211 is free and confidential

  • Housing
  • Food and Meals
  • Mental Health
  • Medical Needs
  • Utility Assistance
  • Tax Assistance
  • Substance Use Disorders
  • Legal Assistance
  • Transportation
  • Volunteer Opportunities

Call, text, or begin an online-chat with 211 to get connected to resources that can help you get access to needed services.

DIAL 211

or 1.888.826.9790


211 UTAH App


to 898-211


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Hearing impaired dial Relay Utah at 711 or 888.346.3162

Chat live and search for resources online at 211utah.org.

Information provided in over 200 languages.