6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent and Family Engagement Policy


East Midvale Elementary is committed to implementing the following requirements:

  • Parental Involvement Policy: Collaboratively develop and distribute a Parental Involvement Policy to parents of participating children, ensuring understanding and agreement.
  • Notification: Inform parents about the Parental Involvement Policy in a clear, uniform format and, where possible, in the parents’ preferred language.
  • Community Accessibility: Make the Parent Engagement Policy available to the local community.
  • Periodic Updates: Regularly update the Parent Engagement Policy to address the evolving needs of parents and the school.
  • School-Parent Compact: Adopt a school-parent compact as part of the Parent Engagement Policy.
  • Definition of Parental Engagement: Adhere to the statutory definition of parental engagement, emphasizing:
    • A. Parents’ integral role in their child’s learning.
    • B. Encouragement for parents to actively participate in their child’s education.
    • C. Inclusion of parents in decision-making and advisory committees.
    • D. Execution of additional activities as described in section 1118 of the ESEA.


  1. Joint Development and Agreement:
    • Notify parents about the policy during the Back to School night in August.
    • Post the policy on the EME website.
    • Distribute the policy via ParentSquare to families.
    • Involve parent groups (PTA, SCC, Family Learning Center, Community Partnership Meetings) in ongoing policy updates.
    • Community School Facilitator to attend monthly PTA meetings.
  2. Distribution of the Parental Involvement Policy:
    • Make the policy available on the EME website and via ParentSquare.
    • Provide printed copies in the front office and at Spring Parent Teacher Conferences.
    • Include the policy in new student orientation packets.
  3. Periodic Updates:
    • Hold regular School Community Council Meetings with administration, teachers, and parents.
    • Community School Facilitator and administration to attend PTA monthly meetings.
    • Conduct parent focus groups for specific topic reviews.
    • Review CAYCI survey results every two years.
  4. Annual Meeting:
    • Inform parents about East Midvale Elementary’s Title I status and community school resources.
    • Discuss parental rights as outlined in Title I Part A Non-Regulatory Guidance.
    • Invite parents to attend various committees and meetings.
  5. Flexible Meetings:
    • Offer meetings at different times and provide transportation, childcare, and home visits funded by Title I.
    • Conduct school events that promote academic learning and positive family engagement through various communication methods.


  1. Building Capacity for Engagement:
    • Organize school events that include academic learning and family engagement.
    • Offer Family Learning Center classes in English and Computer.
    • Host Parent Talks to empower parents in supporting their students.
    • Analyze CAYCI survey data to address parent needs.
    • Provide faculty training on including parents in classroom communities.
    • Partner with local organizations for additional support.
  2. School-Parent Compact:
    • Include parents in reviewing and updating the School Parent Compact.
    • Present the compact at Spring Parent Teacher Conferences for signatures.
    • Post the School Parent Compact on the EME website.
  3. Training for Parents:
    • Provide information on academic standards, assessments, and Title I requirements through various channels, including PTA meetings and newsletters.
  4. Materials and Training:
    • Offer literacy training and technology assistance to help parents improve their children’s academic achievement.
    • Conduct Parent Talk classes and Open Houses.
  5. Staff Training:
    • Provide ongoing professional development for faculty on effective parent engagement.
    • Facilitate monthly community partnership meetings focusing on parent collaboration.
  6. Communication:
    • Ensure all communications are clear and accessible, including translations as necessary.
    • Provide bilingual staff and translators for school events and conferences.
    • Use multiple communication methods, including emails, flyers, and direct contacts to ensure timely updates for parents.