6990 South 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of September 2-6, 2024


  • PTA Carnival was a success.  The PTA received $350 to put towards the 2024-25 budget.
  • The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable program began at EME.  Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, students get a healthy snack.   Last week it was plums.  If you are interested in volunteering to deliver these twice a week, please contact Ms. McCall.
  • All students took the Acadience test.  This establishes their current performance level on reading and math skills.  This baseline helps teachers identify needs of individual students and develop learning plans for growth.
  • On Friday, in support of CSD’s College Readiness Day for our newest class of 2037 Kindergarten, there was alot of hoopla happening in red hall!  In addition, all faculty and staff sported their college spirit wear!  We hope it sparked excitement and awareness about higher education among our elementary students.

NO SCHOOL MONDAY SEPTEMBER 2 for the Labor Day holiday.

TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 3 – FREE GROCERIES from Utah Food Bank – – Distribution is done at the end of the school day in the cafeteria.  Students can pick up the bag of food and parents can meet their students outside the north gym door or at the bus stop to help carry the twenty pounds of food.  Kindergarten students who are the oldest at East Midvale will receive a bag at the end of red hall.  Please sign up using this link to make sure your student is reminded to attend UFB Free Grocery Sign Up

SAFE DROP OFF AND PICK UP PROCEDURES:  Parents – we ask for your help in creating the safest drop off and pick up conditions for all our students.  Please…

  1. Use crosswalks – During morning and afternoon pick up times, please cross and direct your students to cross at the crosswalk flags on the north and south end of the drop off zones.  If you set the example, the students will follow.  
  2. Respect the vehicle lane in front of our school by using it only for quick drop off or pick up.  There is no parking in that lane and we ask that you remain with the vehicle at all times.  
  3. Pull as far forward as traffic allows in those lanes.  This creates more space and better flow for all the vehicles transporting students.     
  4. Drive slowly, look for safety patrol and watch for distracted students.
  5. Use the parking lot if you need to leave your vehicle or if your student needs more time to transition to and from school.   

PTA MEETING on Friday September 6 from 2:00-3:00 pm in the library.  Any interested parent is invited to attend and lend a voice to the agenda items.


  • Wednesday Sept 18 – Kick Off All Pro Dads breakfast meeting – Proactivity!
  • Monday Sept 23 and Wednesday Sept . 25 – Parent Teacher Conferences
  • THURSDAY Sept. 26 – Early dismissal at 1:10 pm
  • Friday Sept. 27 – NO SCHOOL


  • OPERATION SCHOOL BELL – This is a resource through the Assistance League of Salt Lake to provide new school clothing to students in need.  Look for a Parent Square sign up in early September.  If you have received this resource in the past please allow others to fill the limited capacity.  
  • FREE WIFI INTERNET – Canyons District continues to provide free internet for families through Comcast Internet Essentials.  To enroll, reply to this post or call Mrs. McCall at East Midvale at 801 826 8406.  Ask for a Comcast Code.  Then call Comcast at 1-844-963 0178 with the code. 
  • VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES for parents at the school, in the classroom, at school events and on field trips happen all year long.  Register at this link so you can help  CSD Volunteer Registration. At the beginning of each month, East Midvale will send out a parent volunteer sign up for upcoming activities.
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